- Frederick Harrison:
- "
The last bit of correspondence I have from Elisabeth Beresford is
dated November 5th 1986 and is on the stationary of her company
(interesting double meaning - aurum is latin for gold)
Limited Media Services
(nice picture of Orinoco at the top) and gives the address as
4 St. Annes House, Alderney, Channel Islands.
- "
This letter arrived on November 19, 1986 which marked the tenth
anniversary of becoming a Womble fan. I was inspired to check out a
long neglected single in our campus station record library after seeing a
picture of Wellington with Paul & Linda McCartney at a British music
awards show in a McCartney fan magazine the previous night. (Paul
McCartney, speaking at a press reception in the movie "A Hard Days
Night" said that he would love to keep Britain tidy... and the McCartneys
later became vegetarians... is there a connection?) Needless to say
November 19 1996 will require some sort of celebration...
- "
Now if only I could find her other letter with the Womble story.
She was kind enough to provide an address for an organization that might
have more information on the Wombles:
- Miss Dunn c/o Keep Britain Tidy Group,
- Crown House, 9th Floor, Crown Lane, Morden, Surrey, England
- [Information about the
Chris Spedding fanzine is on the discogaphy page.]
- Keep On Wombling
- Frederick Harrison